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FarmVille, Its a Blast!
By Mia
If you’ve seen the interview of Emma Stone where she was telling Jimmy that she had to delete her Facebook account because she got addicted to Farmville and you were able to relate to it, then I have one thing to say to you: I Feel For You.
I discovered Farmville a couple of months after I graduated from college. Since I was an honor student (not necessarily a geek, I tell you), I was immediately offered a job by a reputable company. Oh boy, it felt like I was on the top of the world. I was slowly ticking of things on my checklist: High-paying job with benefits, check. A pad that’s perfect for a young professional, check. A new car from the awesome company I was working for, double check. I was living THE life. It was so cool.
And then it happened.
After a few months at work, I got really, really tired. My job was taking up most of my time. Saturdays and Sundays are even filled with client appointments and online meeting with my boss. Going out at night was impossible because I’d really rather curl up in my king sized bed and watch TV. Sigh.
One night, while I was checking out my friend’s Facebook album, that one where they all went out and I was not able to join yet again, I received an invitation to join another friend in Farmville. Being relatively new to Facebook, I checked it out. That was the beginning of my addiction. Suddenly, I no longer felt left out when my friends go out on Friday nights. Going drinking? Nah, I’ll pass. I have a lot of harvesting to do. It also didn’t matter that I was tired from work; playing Farmville meant I didn’t have to talk to anyone; I didn’t have to close deals. All I had to do was continuously monitor my farm.
It went on and on and on. And I have no regrets. In a way, Farmville saved me from being a complete loner. It saved me from being the person who has nothing to brag about but her job.
Three years after that night, a lot of changes occurred. And It Was All For The Better! I got promoted, I got a better car, and Farmville got more awesome!
Right now, I have a Hawaiian Paradise farm, which is still a bit messy, but also a bit Just The Way I Want It. Let me tell you, the problem with the Hawaiian Paradise farm being split between water and land, is that it’s cut diagonally across the farm, and when the farm expands, it does so the usual way—down and to the left. Which means my carefully crafted little top right corner with all the cute houses and restaurant and stuff does not get any new space. It’s still bumping up against the crop spaces I need.
This is a little annoying because I still have a crap load of buildings in storage that I want to use because they fit the theme so well! Also, my water section is a mess, I have done basically nothing with it, so ignore that it’s kind of haphazard. But I am pleased with the way that decorated section is shaping up and Oh Yes! I Do Have A Lava Castle In The Middle Of My Farm. And Yes That Is A Lava Pegasus. And Yes, I Also Have A Lava Tiger.
See, this is why I love playing Farmville! It’s free, it’s awesome, and heck! It’s a load of fun!
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